2015 Appearances Update

Although I’m waist-deep in my current project I’ve decided to come up for air to let you all know that I’ve updated my News section in regards to the conventions I’m attending in 2015 (so far). This list may expand if exciting new opportunities arise but for now I’m confirmed to attend both conventions below.

Norwescon 38 in Seatac, WA
Dates: April 2-5th

WorldCon - Sasquan 2015 in Spokane, WA
Dates: August 19-23rd

I’m super excited since I’ve yet to do any proper conventions in Washington state and after looking at the programming guide for Norwescon alone, I can tell that I’m in for some great content and even more amazing people to meet. I’ll be sure to blog about the two of these after the events. If you follow my twitter account, feel free to connect with me for the panels and events I’ll be posting at the time. It’d be great to meet you, too.